FireGrip – 슈팅 게임용 총 마우스

할인 가격$79.00 정상 가격$119.00
$40.00 할인

세금 포함. 체크아웃 시 배송료 계산

색상: Black
기간 한정 선물

98k 라이플 펜 | 완벽한 책상 장식 (자동으로 장바구니에 추가됨)

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현실적인 총 그립 디자인

실제 총과 동일한 그립 비율로 설계된 Ragnok FireGrip은 격렬한 게임 세션 중에 편안하고 자연스러운 그립을 보장합니다.

더욱 자연스럽고 더욱 편안합니다

수직 측면 그립은 손의 피로를 방지하도록 특별히 설계되어 근육의 긴장 없이 장시간 슈팅 게임을 즐길 수 있습니다.

내장된 진동 피드백

마우스 하단에는 진동 모터가 내장되어 있어 방아쇠를 당길 때 미묘한 진동이 발생해 게임의 전체적인 즐거움을 더해줍니다.

다른 트리거, 다른 느낌

Ragnok FireGrip에는 플라스틱 트리거와 금속 트리거가 장착되어 있어 다양한 무게의 포스 피드백과 느낌을 제공합니다. 취향에 따라 변경하실 수 있습니다.

오른쪽 클릭 버튼

기존 마우스 오른쪽 버튼과 동일한 기능

왼쪽 클릭 버튼

기존 마우스 왼쪽 버튼과 동일한 기능

발사 버튼

속사 버튼을 누르면 타이머 회로는 버튼 클릭을 시뮬레이션하는 일련의 펄스를 컨트롤러에 보냅니다. 이 회로를 사용하면 분당 최대 800회까지 클릭할 수 있습니다.

금속 스크롤 휠

기존 마우스 휠과 동일한 기능

DPI 버튼

기본 옵션: 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 12000, 16000

모든 기기 및 게임과 호환 가능

게임용 마우스로서 RAGNOK는 강력한 호환성을 제공합니다. PC, 노트북, 태블릿 외에도 PS5/PS4/Xbox 등 게임 콘솔에도 연결할 수 있습니다.

PAW 3335 광학 센서

  • 40g 가속
  • 400 IPS 추적 속도
  • 16000DPI 광학 센서

* 함께 제공되는 소프트웨어에서 DPI 감도를 100~16000 범위에서 조정할 수 있습니다.

듀얼 모드 연결

Ragnok FireGrip은 유선 및 2.4G 무선 연결 모드, 플러그 앤 플레이를 모두 지원합니다. 또한 500mAh 리튬 배터리가 내장되어 있어 충전하는 동안에도 게임을 즐길 수 있습니다.

프로게이머 리뷰

A Unique Mouse Loved by Gamers

This unique and cool mouse will add more fun to your gaming time. Once you get the hang of it, you won't be able to put it down!





ABS, 금속 롤러, 금속 트리거,



사용 시간




자주하는 질문

Customer Reviews

Based on 99 reviews
Denys Krashchenko

Games I tested it in: Escape from Tarkov, Delta Force: Hawk Ops, Arena Brakeout, Warhammer 40000 Space Marine 2, Out Of Grid.
- it fits well even in my large palm. It really resembles a pistol grip. I held the H&K USP in my hand. The only thing is that I would remove the gloss. The end surface of the grip could be covered with micro rubber. Those who say that it is not heavy enough, perhaps, but this lightness is not felt in the game.
- vibration feedback. A cool feature, but most likely it drains the battery, which is not compensated by the sensations. And it, of course, works with any press of the "fire" button, which is a hindrance in the game menu (you can turn it on in the battle itself).
- stand. It does not hold the handle in any way and rather interferes with aiming than provides an additional base for the palm. I disconnected it. The handle itself stands well on the table without a stand. I don't see the point in making the stand heavier and attaching it to the handle, for example, with magnets - it will make it harder to move the mouse around the surface.
- triggers. Both the standard trigger and the replaceable "aluminum" one cope with the task well. Thanks to the cherry blue switch, there are no delays. At first it seemed that the trigger was too soft (compared to the triggers on the XBOX), but it turned out that everything is fine in the game.
- the 3335 sensor is wireless, by the feel of it, the same performance as the 3389 in my wired Razer Deathadder Elite.
- whoever said "the buttons cannot be reassigned" - this is not true. You need to install the software from the site and there you can reassign the buttons, set 5 levels of DPI change (when changing, the changed value appears in the lower right corner of the screen, which is very convenient, since there is no other indication), you can configure and create macros, as well as several profiles for different games with different settings. For example, in Tarkov I have the Esc key on the side button - very convenient when looting. By the way, you can only see the battery percentage in the software.
- a wired connection is inconvenient: the cable catches on your little finger, the connector will probably break from frequent movement, and you lose the feeling of the weapon handle.
- I haven't figured out what surface to use yet. On my Razer Goliathus Extended Control, I feel like the mouse catches on the fabric, which interferes with aiming. I probably need a glass or metal mousepad, since the controls are smoother on a varnished table. Unfortunately, there are no recommendations from the developers.
- The most important thing is the settings!!!!. Don't think that you will just connect this mouse and immediately play with the same rating and K / D as on a regular mouse. It's not even a matter of getting used to it. It took me an hour. Because of the unusual shape, it's precisely the correct settings. On my regular mouse, with sensitivity from 0.78 to 0.95, DPI is set to 1000. Yes, this is not professional at all, I know. For this mouse, I have set "professional" 400 DPI, but set sensitivity to 1.5. Otherwise, I just took a long time to aim.
In general, for FPS lovers, I recommend this mouse for purchase and am waiting for version 3. It will probably be even better.

柏諭 林
That's great for fun

That's a very cool product for PC game.


Tried it on helldivers 2, plays better than my normal mouse after i got used to it, 10/10


First time using a vertical style mouse. I liked it it was comfy and fun to use but my one complaint is that it is too light. I would like to have a bit more weight in it but not heavy. Great product

Mark Helliwell

Really good feels like your shooting a real gun